Reagan D Pufall

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Photo Highlight 2011

Near Schuyler

Last year was surprisingly unproductive for me.  I am having trouble photographing Nebraska with the same enthusiasm and enjoyment I found in shooting Colorado.  The sense of adventure is less and there is significantly more driving and less time spent out of the car on foot with the camera hand.  Most of the locations are stop and hop it out for a few shots because the location is smaller and less dynamic.  Further difficulties arise because much of the year Nebraska is dead and brown.  The skies can do amazing things in the winter, but often the foreground just lacks the pull I find so charming of a green vista or a tall mountain. Still some fantastic images were made this year. 

Bramble Wildlife Management Area

Platte River State Park

Near Fremont

Near Arlington

Toadstool Geologic Park

Toadstool Geologic Park

Toadstool Geologic Park

Toadstool Geologic Park