Upcoming Shows

Getting pretty tapped out on energy and new work with the number of shows I’ve had this year. That said here’s what the current schedule looks like:

CURRENT - September, Lost In Introductions, Trap Gallery, Kansas City MO

Dan is super chill and easy to have shows with.


October, Bemis Charity Auction, Bemis Center for the Arts, Omaha NE

doing the auction again

November, Omaha Bug Symposium, OutrSpaces, Omaha NE

This will be at the new location for Outrspaces and will feature a very large pile of mantis work. There will be a few new pieces but it will mostly be stuff from MOAH.

October 11-December 6 2019, Etymology solo show at Fred Simmon Gallery

Originally thought this was in 2018. Huge relief to have more time on it. Teaching his been ulra busy. Will feature mostly semi-abstract and planetoids from the Etymology series.

July 2019, Introductions, solo show at Lauritzen Gardens

This will feature the portraits from the 2014 Gaze of the Mantis show that was at Gallery72 and then 5-10 additional portraits. I might add the busts to it as well.

2018 Road Map

I've been super quiet on here lately mostly because all of the work I am producing is for upcoming shows rather than just my usual grind for myself.  There's a lot of new shows on the docket for this year.

April 14 9am-4pm, Omaha Mini Maker Faire at doSpace - I've been invited to participate again this year's Maker Faire.  I'll have some different stuff from last year as most of the work will be tied up in a different show.

April 6 6pm, Bug Symposium Exhibition, Petshop Gallery - Dave Crane (Dan Crane's brother) and fellow entomologist Andy Matz are doing their Bug Symposium again this year and seem determined to expand it and make it better.  In that effort Petshop Gallery has decided to take over the art portion of it.  Unsurprisingly I was asked to participate again this year which I am stoked to do so.

June-September -  Museum of Alternative History at the Kaneko - This is eating up the most time by far but I have no complaints about that.  I've been producing 2-3 pieces a week for this and they are all under wraps until after the show opens.  Similarly you may have noticed some gallery pages have gone dark on my website.  That work will be on display at the MAH.

June 9 - Floating Artist Project at TBD - A bunch of the sensory deprivation tank places here in Omaha (who knew we had any?) decided to give artist three free floats.  After those floats the artists would create work based on the experience which then be sold at a charity show.  I've done my floats and piece for this already.  The whole thing was a right good giggle.  Blue Oceans Float was the host for me.

October 11-December 6, Rising Etymology,  solo show at Fred Simmon - The Nebraska Arts Council was kind enough and amazing enough to give me a solo show at their gallery.  Originally this was going to be in April but for many good reasons it was rescheduled to October.

There are couple of more tentative shows for fall and winter here in town and down in Houston.  More news on those as they solidify.

Workshops - I've been teaching workshops at Union for Contemporary Art.  If you want a strong introduction to large format printing you should take it.  It is free for co-op members and 10$(?) for non-members.  U-CA has a very good 24" epson available for co-op members.  I also knocked at a workshop on work documentation as part of the Omaha Creative Institute's  Working Artist Wednesday series.  With any luck there will be another workshop in the fall/winter.  If you missed or you attended and would like the powerpoint from it let me know and I will pass it on to you.