more on demand photogrammetry work

Here's a textured trilobite I was asked to make for the Museum of Alternative History which will be part of the Reality season at the Kaneko.  Honestly the presentation here is pretty disappointing.  In order to upload it to sketchfabb I had nuke the resolution done to 1/10th of what it really is.  There's only so much I can complain about a free 3D model hosting service though....  Still I'm pretty stoked with how it turned out.  This and megalodon tooth (which I may upload later, it needs more clean up) were the tests for the new lighting system I have set up.  It works marvelously.  Also shout out to RockOnOldeTown in Bellevue whose fossils these are.

Mounted Mantises - quiet for a long while

mounted manties for photogrammetry

I've been prepping more mantises for photogrammetry.  It's surprisingly fussy and I have to keep them in case to keep them from getting dusty.  Though to be honest the case came from doing makers faires.  Even the most attentive parents cannot manage their kids 100%.  One of those flies is actually mostly useless if you look at closely.  It got kid mushed despite their parents best efforts.  Not mad, just how kids are.  So into a case the subjects go.


I won't be posting a lot of finished for awhile.  Most of the stuff I will be doing will be for a large show come spring.